A Welcome from the President of the Southeast Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development

Welcome to the Southeast Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SESHSMD), and thank you for your interest. As an affiliate of SHSMD, the National Society for Health Care Strategy and Market Development, we are a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association that values, above all, collaboration, accountability, respect, excellence, and innovation. Our mission is to provide excellent education and networking opportunities for professionals involved in healthcare strategy and market development in the Southeast, and we accomplish these aims through unique educational opportunities, partnerships, conferences, and programming that supports ongoing career development.

As we have all witnessed, the recent changes within our industry are truly astounding and revolutionary. Our healthcare companies, no longer constrained by region, must grow and adapt to these developments in technology, these financial shifts, these changing market dynamics as never before. Within this uncertain climate, the future of healthcare can often feel hazy at best. As such, the partnerships we forge and the insights we share are more important than ever, imperative to the growth and success of all of us. At SESHSMD, we are committed to expanding our outreach and working together to address these tremendous shifts with specific strategic insights and plans. As one of the few professional associations in the country dedicated solely to healthcare strategy and market development, our members and partners benefit radically from this backbone of support and community. We urge you to add your voice to our efforts: become a member, attend a conference, sponsor a program, or volunteer as a speaker. Join us now to actively improve healthcare for all of us. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your interest and support.

Thank you,

Judit Tejada, President, SESHSMD