SESHSMD Fall Conference • October 21 & 22, 2021 • Asheville, NC

We look forward to seeing you in Asheville at the perfect time of year as we bring you industry leaders speaking on key strategic issues facing health systems today, as well as peer-to-peer networking opportunities. This years’ conference will bring together healthcare strategy professionals from systems across the southeast to discuss important topics, such as:
- Major trends impacting healthcare
- The future of strategic planning
- The strategic growth imperative
- Regional legislative updates
- The need for disruption in healthcare
In Person and Virtual Options
This will be an in-person event. However for those who are not comfortable or cannot travel at this time, a virtual option will also be available.
Corporate Registration
Corporate registration is available for four attendees from the same organization. You may register your group for in-person or virtual registration. Once you complete the order for corporate registration, we will reach out to you for the names of all attendees.
If you need a custom corporate registration for more than four attendees or for a mix of in-person and virtual registrations within your organization, please reach out to [email protected].
Featured Speakers
Mark Furgeson is a national thought leader on the planning, design, and capital investment in healthcare buildings. An architect by training and student of health policy by passion, he brings a broad perspective to this dynamic market segment. Mark is a Senior Managing Director at Ankura Consulting based in Chicago and has spent more than 30 years analyzing, planning, and designing innovative healthcare environments. Prior to joining Ankura, Mark served as Director of Design for one of the largest healthcare systems in the US as well as a 20-year career leading a forward-thinking healthcare consulting and design firm. He has participated in numerous symposiums on the future of healthcare and how healthcare strategy and policy impact the decisions we make about healthcare’s physical footprint. In addition, he lectures at Cornell University co-teaching a course focused on health policy and high impact buildings.
He will lead us in one of our keynote sessions, View from Oz: A Behind the Curtain Look at Trends Impacting Healthcare. The climate in healthcare was dynamic before COVID, but in the post COVID era healthcare is being redefined and expanding beyond traditional boundaries. This session will unpack the frontline and subtle market disruptors that will shape healthcare into the next decade.
Gaurov Dayal, MD is passionate about value-based care and transforming the US healthcare system. He serves as the President and COO of Everside Health, which was created from the merger of Paladina Health, Activate Healthcare and Healthstat in 2020. Everside is one of the nation's largest direct primary care provider groups focused on improving the health care of employees, retirees, and their dependents with nearly 400 clinics in 33 states.
Prior to his current role, Gaurov served as President of New Markets and Chief Growth Officer for ChenMed, one of the nation's leading value-based care primary care groups focused on underserved seniors. In this role, he lead ChenMed's national expansion and new market operations.
Gaurov has over two decades of experience in population health, physician group, health plan and hospital operations. Other relevent experience include serving as Senior Vice President at Lumeris, where he created and implemented operational solutions for large health care sytems and provider groups transitioning to value-based care delviery. Earlier at SSM Healthcare, a large multi-state Integrated Delivery system, Gaurov served as the Chief Medical Officer, Interim CEO for SSM Wisconsin Hospitals and President of Health Care Delivery, Finfance and Integration. At SSM, hea led the transformation from a traditional volume-based provider to a value-based system, including the successful acquisition and integration of Dean Clinic and Dean Health plan, the largest HMP in southern Wisconsin.
Gaurov earned a BA from Johns Hopins University, an MD from Northwestern University and completed residency training at Washington University in St. Louis.
He will be presenting Mythbusting the US Healthcare System. The US Health Care system is complex and fragmented. Across the country today we will do super complex procedures but at the same time many people will die of preventable diseases. This interactive session will talk about the myths and reality of our delivery system.
October 21, 2021: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Networking Lunch: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Keynote Address: The View from Oz – A Behind the Curtain Look at the Trends Impacting Healthcare
Featured Speaker: Mark Furgeson, Senior Managing Director, Ankura Consulting
Session 2: Bridging the Gap Between Real Estate and Strategy
Our panelists for this session will discuss their insights and key take-aways from the pandemic, trends in facility planning, and the impact on facility planning and development moving forward
- David Park, Vice President of Facilities, Design, and Construction, BayCare Health System
- Joe Krumdieck, Executive Vice President, Realty Trust Group
- Moderator: Brian Hunter, System Director, Strategic Planning, UNC Health
Session 3: Legislative Updates
Representatives from the hospital associations in states across the region will provide their perspectives on important political and legislative activity in their state
- Cody Hand, Senior Vice President, Advocacy & Policy; Deputy General Counsel, NCHA
- Edward Bender, General Counsel & Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs, SCHA
- Anna Adams, Senior Vice President, External Affairs, GHA
Networking Event: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
AC Ledge rooftop bar at the AC Hotel
October 22, 2021: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Networking Breakfast: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Keynote Address: Myth-Busting the U.S. Healthcare System
In this provocative and interactive session, we will talk about the myths and realities of our current healthcare delivery system
Featured Speaker: Dr. Guarov Dayal, President and COO, Everside Health
Session 5: The Changing Role of Strategy
This session will include a series of mini presentations addressing how the strategy role has changed over the last 18 months and how it is likely to continue to evolve moving forward
- Lynda Barrett, Vice President of Strategic Planning, Emory Healthcare
- Shannon Sale, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Grady Health System
- Harry R. Phillips, MD, FACC, CMO – Duke Network Services, CMO, Duke LifePoint Healthcare
Session 6: The Future of Strategic Planning
This round table session will provide an opportunity for open discussion between attendees and all of the speakers about the nature and focus of strategic planning during and following this season of change. Questions to be addressed may include, but not be limited to:
- What are the biggest obstacles strategists face in strategy execution and what are some ways to overcome those hurdles?
- What role will partnerships (internal and external) play in strategy going forward and how are they likely to evolve?
- How are disruptors impacting healthcare delivery and should they be considered friend or foe?
- What is the role of strategy in addressing health equity and how do we impact real change?
ACHE Credit
As an independent chartered chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Greater Charlotte Healthcare Executives Group is authorized to award 8.5 hours of ACHE Qualified Education credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for ACHE Qualified Education credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification
Qualified Education Credits are self-reporting credits. ACHE does not require you to submit a sign-in sheet for Qualified Education Events. Please encourage your attendees to self-report their credits using link titled “My education Credit” on their myACHE profile page. If additional assistance is needed members should be directed to ACHE Customer Service